Our Governors
Critical but above all else supportive, this is the role of the governing body. Our governors understand that honesty and integrity underpin the guidance of our school. They are a team of dedicated volunteers working with our staff to provide all pupils with an outstanding education.
The Governing Body of The Compass Federation, which includes St. Paul's Church of England Primary School and St. Edmund's Church of England Primary School, comprises 13 governors in total. The membership is made up as follows:
- 2 Parent Governors
- 1 Local Authority Governor
- 1 Staff Governor
- 1 Executive Headteacher Governor
- 5 Co-opted Governors
- 3 Foundation Governors
The Governing body has the following core strategic functions:
Establishing the strategic direction, by:
- Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school
- Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets
- Meeting statutory duties
Ensuring accountability, by:
- Appointing the Executive Headteacher
- Holding the Executive Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils by monitoring progress towards targets
- Performance managing the Executive Headteacher
- Holding the Executive Headteacher to account for the performance management of staff
- Engaging with stakeholders
- Contributing to school self-evaluation
Ensuring financial probity, by:
- Setting the budget
- Monitoring spending against the budget
- Ensuring value for money is obtained
- Ensuring risks to the school organisation are managed